

Non-Binary Aro/Ace Brit arting with health issues and aphantasia. Draws original critters, birds and has bouts of fanart. Also writes fic. They/Them

フォロー数:1008 フォロワー数:622

I've saved three more times, I don't trust it.

ANYWAY. The first thing to do is getting the reshaping and planes sorting out which makes it an awful lot easier to figure out where things are going and to block out each surface. It doesn't need to look good, just functional.

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Ah my arch nemesis, after putting you off for a few days we meet again.

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I really really hate rendering metal but I want other people to see this so I know even though it'll get covered up eventually my suffering is not in vain.

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I forgot how big the Bite file is! One of my files kept crashing when I tried to open it so I hope a wip is alright.

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People were wondering what the two big things I'm bouncing between are so here's a small crop of both of them.

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Person: Wow your artwork is so clean!
Me: Clicks off sketch layer

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It's muffin time once again! I was recently commissioned by for one of Dictatious Galadrigal and of their OC Ruby. Thank you again!

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For I dug out some older art of Raji, Herald of Autumn!

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I was granted the knowledge of this abomination's existence so I decided to use what little energy I had yesterday to bring it to the public at large.

Behold, the MERLTATO.

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