

Non-Binary Aro/Ace Brit arting with health issues and aphantasia. Draws original critters, birds and has bouts of fanart. Also writes fic. They/Them

フォロー数:1008 フォロワー数:622

Middle of the week so time for some art! Here's all the current Fruits n Flowers collection:

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I don't feel comfortable with uploading the full version of this on Twitter so have half instead of a Dr. Barbara Lake in armour from a couple months ago.

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Thank you to all the new followers recently! I noticed a lot of you seem to have come for birbs so please enjoy some birb content in the form of icons I've done over the years.

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I see another tag appeared overnight! I'm Feather, an Aro Ace n non-binary artist with aphantasia. I love drawing weird beasties particularly.

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If I may, even 500 is a good distance right now. I art with aphantasia and particularly like to dabble in birds, weird beasties and the occasional other thing! Thank you so much <3

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I keep bouncing back to birds (And bird alikes) every so often, adding a couple wips I'm poking as well which I hope is okay.

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I'm an artist with aphantasia, Aro/Ace + Agender and generally just love drawing critters and birds. https://t.co/BMd5m3tGRj

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One day I felt a mighty need to make an "edit" of the muffin duckie purely so I could do this.

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