The Georgian Lordsさんのプロフィール画像

The Georgian Lordsさんのイラストまとめ

The History of Parliament's House of Lords 1660-1832 section, researching the #Lords in the #C18th; currently working on 1715-90 #Georgian #Parliament #HistParl

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1815 Napoleon Bonaparte marched into setting in motion the 'Hundred Days' that would conclude with his defeat at Waterloo & final abdication.
The allied powers were forced once again to search for a

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"I stay at home most mornings, & in the mind's eye traverse the kingdoms of Arcot & Tanjore, with a few little excursions to Bengal, Berar, & Orissa"
John Wilkes 1777

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Between 1714 and 1721 there were 5 chancellors of the exchequer. In spring 1721 the role, combined with the office of 1st lord of the treasury, returned to Robert Walpole (who had held them before 1715-17).
He kept them for the next 21 years

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1764 debated the issue of general warrants in response to the Wilkes affair. Several MPs, normally supporters, deserted over the issue

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Hard on the heels of William & Mary's proclamation as King & Queen 1689 there began a major of the great offices of state, clearing out the majority of James's old ministers & functionaries

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Shrewsbury had played a key part in the 'Glorious Revolution' & as a minister under Anne. He was stripped of his offices by George I & was reliant on his wife's influence to keep him from being impeached along with the earl of Oxford...

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He had "no consideration on earth but for what was useful to his own ends. You have heard me say that I thought he had no malice or rancour; I think so still... But I think he has no feeling, neither, for anyone but himself."
Charles James Fox born 1749

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Prior to the Convention meeting 1689 some feared the bishops might be pushed out of the Lords:
"the 1st vote will be the exclusion of the bishops out of The bps in general are not pleased & the Or[ange] mob are equally dissatisfied with them."

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The experience was not a wholly positive one and some students returned to find their rooms had been trashed by the MPs & Lords

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