

agender/any. LVL 41. N.Texas.🍄🐌
Pewtersmith. I make things and appreciate art and nature. No tolerance for bigotry or bullies.…

フォロー数:916 フォロワー数:361

4: kaki

Weekday, so I'm short on time, but I love persimmons. A goal for this year is to get a persimmon tree or two to offset the poor trees we had to have taken down last year.

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More on the rare side, but still a cool fae! I wish more information about them was available.

(Image by Alan Lee)

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Happy holidays!
Take care every one.

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Self-portrait bust, done!
One day I'll figure out how to upload a file with textures to Sketchfab, but not tonight.

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I've done a whole lot that I liked over this year. These are probably still my favorites.

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So, it's my birthday, and earlier in the week I decided I wanted to update my profile photo to celebrate.

Nothing was working out right, so I added my hair, glasses, and most noticeable piercing to vulture friend - and I like it!

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