

Mythology, History, Storytelling: the Godyssey podcast is a deep dive into our shared humanity through gods. 3 seasons currently out!

フォロー数:4753 フォロワー数:12937

The Trojan side of the Trojan War is populated by more siblings than the gods: Priam had fifty sons and untold daughters, almost all of whom were involved in the war. Most famous were valiant Hector, fated Paris, and cursed Cassandra.

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Modern yōkai? Modern yōkai

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To sleep is to come close to death, a truth acknowledged as far back as the Greeks: Hypnos is the brother of Thanatos, making Sleep and Death twins. Both dwell in the Underworld in dark, lightless locales, though Hypnos also has an island up top.

🖼️: HanoOide

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Japanese trickster animals can be trusted to be animals, and their instincts betray their true form often. Tanuki will do anything for sake and good food; even a diligent kitsune might fall prey to fried mice, like Keizōbō the Postman.

🖼: M Meyer

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North American food was dependent upon the three sisters prior to colonization: squash, corn, and beans were grown together in a single plot, feeding one another and growing in both folklore and economic importance amongst indigenous groups.

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To avoid the ire of kappa in Japanese waterways, write your name on a cucumber and throw it into the water: the kappa will eat it and thank the named person gave them such a gift, and thus will spare them.

🖼️: umber

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The end is a new beginning in Ragnarok: the ruins of burnt Yggdrasil protect the last humans, who are guided to rebuilding the Nordic world by a reborn Baldr and Hodr, allowing the world an unscripted new chance.

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"The Blue Fox," by Owen Gent

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At the bottom of the frozen Arctic Ocean lives Sedna with her many sea creature children, born of her blood when she was mercilessly sacrificed to the cold depths. Now she dwells in those waters, ready to claim any soul that enters her domain.

🖼️: A. Galbraith

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