

Mythology, History, Storytelling: the Godyssey podcast is a deep dive into our shared humanity through gods. 3 seasons currently out!

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Skadi is the goddess of snow and the mountains, the isolated lady who loves wild places in the Scandinavian north which takes her name. She loves the sea, but misses her mountain home when she visits it.

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In the most famous story, the Yuki-onna reveals herself as the wife of the woodcutter whom she spared years earlier, but in other tales she is the owner of the home the elderly couple stay at, the mysterious auntie of children, or merely a wanderer.

🖼️: Syllie

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Dog-headed Xolotl is the Aztec god of twins, and himself a twin born of the virgin Chīmalmā. The dark side of the evening star and of heavenly fire, his twin Quetzalcoatl far outshone him: and for that he would pay.

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The Pandavas are five warrior brothers who toil together in thr Mahabhatara, fighting an extended war against their cousins that, while they won, came at great personal cost: but they stayed true to each other.

🖼: Y. Yoshitani

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Elves pack up and shut down shop before the first winter frosts arrive, for nothing grows without the help of the Alvar. Nothing can thrive in snow so they do not bother, choosing instead to sleep.

🖼: A. Rackham

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I am not afraid (oh yes I am)

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Among the Seven Lucky Gods of Japan, count your stars: Jurōjin, master of longevity, is the old man of the Southern Pole Star, while Fukurokuju is master of posterity and wisdom, and a combination of Daoism's Three Star Gods.

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Snakes for hair is more common than Medusa and her Gorgon sisters: Tadodaho of Iroquois lore had snakes from everywhere that sprouted hair, a sign of his wickedness.

🖼: J. Hartmann

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Samhain is the first month of the Irish calendar, and the beginning of the dark half of the year. In Gaelic folklore it is this time the Caileach lays out her cloak and walks with her frosty hammer, covering the land in ever-increasing white.

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