

Mythology, History, Storytelling: the Godyssey podcast is a deep dive into our shared humanity through gods. 3 seasons currently out!

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Aka Manto haunts Japanese bathrooms, offering colored paper to those without. The color indicates how they will kill you: red by slashing, blue by draining you of blood. The name means "red jacket."


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The vampirix strix of antiquity feasted on the blood and flesh of newborns, but could be driven off by garlic in an infant's mouth at night. Likely descended from owlish Lamashtu, striges are also considered witches.

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Athena turning Arachne into a spider was done out of pity: she had not meant for Arachne to hang herself after the goddess destroyed her flawless tapestry and loom, better than her own. Many, however, take this as a curse.

🖼: G. Dore

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It was not just the ghosts of thr past that spurred Aeneas to continue his journey, but the ghosts of those not yet born: every Roman appeared to him, urging him on in the Underworld.

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As Ian approaches Florida, recall that hurricane is a Taino word, and Master of Hurricanes is Guabancex, who rules all Gulf storms. Her servants herald her coming: Guatabá brings thunder and lightning, and Coatrisquie brings floods.

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Nightmares are more than just the horrors that fill our dreams: the mare is a Germano-Slavic haunt that terrorizes dreams and could cause sleep paralysis in addition to terror.

🖼️: H. Fuseli

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Y'all out here with the reverse shirime.

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While most interpret the seasons as autumn being Demeter's sorrow and spring being the return of flowering Persephone, another reading is this: that Persephone is both the rising of new crops and the laying down of old seeds in autumn.

🖼️: M. Zubieta

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Arguably humans are often made like robots by gods: whether from earth and clay (Pandora, Adam), carved from a trees (Aski and Embla), flowers (Blodeuwedd), or blood (as Marduk does from Tiamat's consort), many humans are artificial.

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