Dr. Gori - 宇宙猿人ゴリさんのプロフィール画像

Dr. Gori - 宇宙猿人ゴリさんのイラストまとめ

Cinema (especially tokusatsu, anime/animation, horror and science fiction) and rock music are my jam. Run by @genyfilms.

フォロー数:177 フォロワー数:4109

My take on Hideaki Anno’s period of depression that lead to Eva is that it was a perfect psychological storm just as its end product is of thematic influences. IMO it was a mix of unrequited love, unresolved childhood trauma, the failure of a pet project and personal shame.

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Happy 90th birthday to cinema’s greatest big monkey and anniversary to one of the most pioneering monster movies and special effects films ever produced.

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Messing around in Midjourney - here's concept art for a Neon Genesis Evangelion movie from the late 1970s.

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It’s kinda confusing to the layman, but the character Noriko Takaya in Gunbuster was named after animator Noriko Takaya (Shinji Higuchi’s wife), voiced by Noriko Hidaka and her design was modeled on singer Noriko Sakai.

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Go Nagai’s anime and manga series Mazinger Z was incredibly popular and influential in Japan. Besides influencing almost every mecha anime to come, it was a probable inspiration behind Godzilla’s Jet Jaguar and the tokusatsu shows Jumborg Ace and Super Robot Red Baron.

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Macross: Do You Remember Love is gold star 80s anime kino. If you want the full story watch the show but DYRL is impressive cinema loaded with exquisite art and one stunningly animated battle sequence after another. It probably features the best animation from Japan until Akira.

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The Occult Boom influenced manga like Eko Eko Azarak, exploitation films and even tokusatsu-related properties. These included The Evil of Dracula, Prophecies of Nostradamus (in release in Japan at the same time as The Exorcist), Akumaizer III and the 1979 remake of Jigoku.

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I oddly imagine the “Go Go Club” in Godzilla vs. Hedorah playing a lot of Bowie, King Crimson and Syd Barrett-era Pink Floyd on most nights. I wish Toho would open up a replica in Tokyo.

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Anyone who wants to get more into old school anime, my recommended "gateway drug media" are:
Space Battleship Yamato franchise (anything)
Any of the classics helmed by Mamoru Oshii or Katsuhiro Otomo
Kawajiri's Wicked City or Ninja Scroll
90s Neon Genesis Evangelion (all)

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Casshern (2004), directed by Kazuaki Kiriya, is an utterly amazing film. If you want a faithful live-action adaptation of Casshan: Robot Hunter, steer clear. But if visually stunning, hallucinogenic kino with subtext acknowledging Japan's wartime aggression sounds like fun...

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