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Finally, we have our first Druid deck from a streamer. And it's a all-in meme deck. is playing a Togwaggle Mill Druid! https://t.co/1gRhe9GagV

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Another version of Discard Warlock (with Blood-Queen Lana'Thel AND Rin) is tested right now by . https://t.co/2S3RwLNTOE

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Savjz started running Raza, Anduin AND Benedictus in his Quest deck. With a lot of duplicates. But he seems to be winning with it all the time! https://t.co/NtqxtmUHyN

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Don't let your memes be dreams! is trying out the Dragonhatcher version of Control Warlock he theorycrafted a few days ago. https://t.co/EO2YDFJKdV

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Will Sonya Shadowdancer be enough to revive Quest Rogue? Kranich has decided to check it. https://t.co/3rw6u4c84u

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A different approach to the Quest Mage from Iner - Quest Giants Mage with Elementals and Aluneth! https://t.co/UfDHqB2aVS

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It's surprising that it took that long, but it's here - Rdu is testing out the Dragon Priest. https://t.co/WgPm0NLixT

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Disguised Toast is trying out a Big Hunter deck with Kathrena Winterwisp! https://t.co/jFYBcmdYIj

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StrifeCro is running a weird Midrange/Recruit Paladin with Master Oakheart, Eggs and Meat Wagons. What is going on! https://t.co/rIlyHuCDVD

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Kranich is testing Elemental Shaman with Grumble, Worldshaker! https://t.co/bWsiUEz9af

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