

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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Secret/Tempo Mage is still the most dominant deck in the class, but Big Spells Mage is emerging as a viable option. Our Kobolds & Catacombs guide: https://t.co/V21JwCshN8

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ICYMI: We've launched a data-driven & Catacombs Adventure Hub that identifies each level's boss pool! https://t.co/iaXdH26ksU

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ICYMI: Our card database is fully up to date with Kobolds & Catacombs, Frozen Throne, and Un'Goro card art! Just check out the card's database page! https://t.co/aSURjVVj1z

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Miracle Priest has shifted towards the late game with most calling it Control Priest now. Here's our all-new deck list and guide: https://t.co/o4cKVa513E

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If you've been following our Dungeon Run Guide series, congrats! You've made it to the final boss. But now what? Let's talk about taking down King Togwaggle and the other end-bosses. https://t.co/XVtPfibyJa

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Lots of new tools have helped keep Zoolock relevant in the meta. https://t.co/YY4JihIba0

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A lot of decks are really expensive right now. Control Paladin is no exception, of course. https://t.co/LKh15fd1V9

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In our latest opinion piece, argues that Blizzard needs to host more Arena events. https://t.co/OOQQX4LNXe

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Corridor Creeper has even managed to find its way into many Secret/Tempo Mage decks. Our Tempo Mage guide: https://t.co/PgMl0xvkS5

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With Vulgar Homunculus and Kobold Librarian, Zoolock has some great, new early game minions! Our & Catacombs guide: https://t.co/YY4JihIba0

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