

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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Thanks to & Catacombs, Dragon Priest now finds itself a fan of expensive spells. https://t.co/uH2HOPBOgJ

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Hide your kids, hide your wife, because Quest Rogue might be coming back. hit Legend on Asia with the deck. Check out the deck list here: https://t.co/GbUn7JQThP

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One of the most unexpected decks from Kobolds & Catacombs is the "Big Spells" version of Dragon Priest. Have you tested it already? Check out our guide here: https://t.co/uH2HOPBOgJ

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Control Warlock has got very popular lately. Voidlord in particular is the reason why - you can cheat it out early and it's a huge wall to get through for every deck. Check out our guide for the deck here: https://t.co/y1GI0Ws8JU

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We're diving deeper into the & Catacombs Dungeon Run! Here's our comprehensive guide for the first five levels of the dungeon. https://t.co/g7woj1N1Re

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Highlander Priest has changed slightly with but it's actually only using one or two new cards from the set. https://t.co/Wap5RsfBbu

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Nearly 25% of most Aggro Paladin decks have changed since came out. Our updated guide: https://t.co/ts3F6g0RUJ

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What's your favorite & Catacombs card art? We're a fan of Greedy Sprite! Look at this little fella! https://t.co/xkxoB3Nt4q

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Despite all of the new archetypes around, it seems like Highlander Priest is still a very solid choice in the meta. Here's our updated guide and deck list! https://t.co/Wap5RsfBbu

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Aggro Paladin now finds itself atop the meta, bolstered by great token generating cards. Our latest Kobolds & Catacombs deck list and guide! https://t.co/ts3F6g0RUJ

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