Hobojoe - OLD ACCOUNTさんのプロフィール画像

Hobojoe - OLD ACCOUNTさんのイラストまとめ

Hiya! I do pixel art and stuff!
I'm changing usernames! you can find me on Discord as Probleyes#0794 if you wanna! Or @probablyeyes here on twitter.

フォロー数:252 フォロワー数:1919

One of those three furry lads that I am slowly working on... Buckhorn are large furry creatures that live in mega-taigas, where they strip logs for food and beat the crap out of anything that threatens them.

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It's been a bit since I posted anything, so I thought why not post what I am working on right now? I'm sketching out a bison based lad to go with some other big furry wildlife as fur practice. The other two are basically just random animals mixed.

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Alrighty here's this adorable lad from 's blocks/items into people thingy! The scarf is just... AHHHH it's so cutte I am dying. I might take a crack at modelling some of their other lads as well...

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Some snails! Mostly just made for fun as I think they're adorable. The brown one is an umber snail, the blue one is a coven snail, and the black one is a slick snail. Also I made a baby version of my earlier sea slug camel!

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Well I only really have one OC, which is this meat demon, but, but also SNAIL WITH ABS. What more could you want in your snail than an eight pack that has been honed for countless centuries? Don't ask how a shell forms abs.

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It has been... basically an entire month since I posted... So have a meaty eyeball man. Their first concept sketch is what my new profile pic is based on!

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These are actually the first members of my ever growing party of IRL bugs. Small grub is a mealworm, large grub is a superworm (without the black patterning cus it looked odd) and the beetles are their respective adult forms.

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Another thing of bugg. This one's a crane fly, which are those things that look like mosquitos but are massive and friendly.

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A bundle o' stag beetle. Just some normal massive stag beetles, nothin' special

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I haven't posted anything in ages but uhhhhhhhhh have a lizarb. No context, just a six legged lizard.

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