

Phoenix Guide to Strange England: #Hookland. Run by @cultauthor #Hauntology Re-wilding #Folklore #FolkHorror #Psychogeography Re-enchantment Is Resistance

フォロー数:3974 フォロワー数:40098

Flags snapping in the salt-kissed winds on the promenade at Blaxwich.

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The tower of St. Cynwise at Hobble said to have been a navigation mark for flying witches.

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Strange ironwork detail on the bar of The Adder Child pub, Whiteford Crop.

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An early the Black Bold, one of the creatures said to inhabit Hookland's George-in-the-Dark cave.

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We roll along the ghost line, tracking up the Shire of Strangers, the empty stations sentinels to what has been lost.

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