

Phoenix Guide to Strange England: #Hookland. Run by @cultauthor #Hauntology Re-wilding #Folklore #FolkHorror #Psychogeography Re-enchantment Is Resistance

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Those wild things glimpsed in woods are not separate from us. They are our echoes, we are their monsters. -

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The edge of the woods, a border patrolled by folklore, wild stories trespass upon our souls.

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Artists seem to dream strange within the borders of Hookland.

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The noisy knocking coffins in the crypt of St. Ursula, Meon Wood.

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Folklore is both door and mirror to the hidden truths of place. -

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The 'wandering coffins' in the crypt at Bardon-in-the-Bush. Their 'walking' was so loud it disturbed some services.

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There are roads in Hookland that make maps a lie. Roads that exist purely to lose travellers. -

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Those boarded windows at abandoned Holdhurt asylum are not to keep people out, they are to keep something else in.

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To believe one is divorced from landscape, from folklore - that is a damaging madness.

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Towers we thought were built to stand through time crumble in a day. Change is the only cruel constant.

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