

Phoenix Guide to Strange England: #Hookland. Run by @cultauthor #Hauntology Re-wilding #Folklore #FolkHorror #Psychogeography Re-enchantment Is Resistance

フォロー数:3554 フォロワー数:36887

Abandoned in the hangars of RAF Nook, the metal skeletons of the what-if dreams of Britain’s secret space projects.

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For the Children of The Hum are at one with the pylon. It is their totem. They are the Pylon People in all ways. - Dr. Michael Benn, 1972

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A Pylon People dawn. Pregnant with the promise of walking fields, following the line of The Hum.

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One of the now missing 'Curse Keys of Coreham', photographed while still in the collection of the County Museum.

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The English village is a place where darkness feels comfortable. -

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Dawn will not quieten all the spirits of the wood. - Trad. Hookland aphorism

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Depiction of one of the galvanic entities allegedly encountered by Dr. Hine during his pioneering television experiments in the late 1920s.

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The year has turned and the tide of light climbs higher again.

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The land is just layers of story. We are all its fictions, not the other way around.

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We follow, not seeing the last pylon, but hearing its place as part of The Hum’s song.
- Dee-Dee, Pylon Person, 1973

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