

Phoenix Guide to Strange England: #Hookland. Run by @cultauthor #Hauntology Re-wilding #Folklore #FolkHorror #Psychogeography Re-enchantment Is Resistance

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The Malford Séances have been described as everything from demonic communication to spirit prophecy and transmission from future. Delivered in Maford between 1896-1898 (some say the recommenced in the 1900s), cylinder recordings of them are kept locked away from almost every ear.

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The Apostolic Church of the Apocalypse, Ashcourt. Those trying to visit in an attempt to verify if an angel really does live in a set of rooms built into the church are often met with a high level of physical deterrence. Picture 'The Unbombed IV' by Katherine Giddings, 1949

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As a child I was shown a copy of a chart of the Hookland coast. The Bad Andrews' rocks, Ten-Tree Island, Sheldrake's Drop all annotated with sigils, apotropaic marks. It was deep magic. It bled into my soul. - Katherine Giddings

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The Memory of Blood in Winter – one of the last paintings by Hookland artist Katherine Gidding, committed to canvas in February 1970.

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This but DI Callaghan and Nokes investigating.

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You should never disinter a toy from the Doll's Graveyard. Never. It's just common sense. It's just a respect for things. – Joanna Vickers

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The rituals of the Bone Horse are not an exorcism of our wild nature, our buried ancestral fears, but a celebration of them. - BBC National Programme talk ‘On the Dance of the Bone Horse’, 1935

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The Hum told us things. You could say some of it was prophecy, but it was much more than that. A knowing of the land. Walking the electric ley changed us to. Each mile of following it a mutation in our way of thinking. - Tattoo Labyrinth Dave, ex-Pylon Person

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The gothic has always been a resistance against rigidity, always been a guerrilla action against the sort of dull conformity that secretly hates romance for the wild responses it may bring about. – Phoebe Wyn, singer in Emily's Wand Vs. the Skull of Alice, 1982

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Even weeks later, the memory refuses the normal rates of decay. In that dance with the Bone Horse, in those points of exchange across the bone border, new maps have been etched on our psychic skin. New navigations opened for us to follow. - Tattoo Labyrinth Dave

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