

Phoenix Guide to Strange England: #Hookland. Run by @cultauthor #Hauntology Re-wilding #Folklore #FolkHorror #Psychogeography Re-enchantment Is Resistance

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Those stretches of sodden, reclaimed land, those often drowned meadows, the King-Under-the-Sea does not forgive their theft. He has cursed them to strangeness while he waits to take them back. -

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If you are up on the cliffs and see the sign for Whistle Cove, don't take it. The path isn't good and the name of the place gives it the sound of happiness - a lie it doesn't deserve. The only things smiling if you visit there, are ghosts. - Tom Rudd

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Depiction of Astabol, the alleged demonic helper of 16th century alchemist Robert Wilcrick, as detailed in the classical magic text 'The Restitution of Decayed Intelligence Relating to Ancient Sorceries', published in 1605.

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I have come to realise that when some people talk about the spirits of place, they are not dealing in metaphor, but only offering accurate reporting. - 1981

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That said, it does have a Shire of Strangers.

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England is deep ghost soil. Its best harvests are the stories and strangeness that do so well in it. Deny it if you must, but the ghost soil is on our boots, under our nails and smeared across our collective psychic skin. -

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Those feral churches of Hookland take their tithe in stories.

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It is not uncommon to find walls and fences along the coast of Hookland decorated in apotropaic hope. Fetishes of fish and anchor, net and float. As if invasion from King-Under-the-Sea is feared and the owners with to say ‘a friend of the waves lives here’.

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