

Poe/history blogger. Tweeter of damn fool nonsense. Enlightened on the subject of Goatology. Crazy Cat Lady. Grouch. Abandon hope, all ye who follow here.

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Today’s Vintage Ad With Unexpected Cats.

Yeah. This will end well.

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Today’s Vintage Ad With Unexpected Cats.

Cats and glue. What could go wrong?

From what we see here, everything.

19 82

Today's Vintage Ad With Unexpected Cats.

At least there's one school still in session.

11 44

Name days are celebrated like birthdays, with flowers & gifts. Instead of cake, there is klingeris, a rich yeast bread studded with fruits & decorated with flowers. Unlike birthday parties, anyone can join a name day celebration without being invited.

14 44

You might be a Victorian if...

...your pigs are a bunch of damn drunks.

11 38

Today’s Vintage Ad With Unexpected Cats.

We probably don’t want to know what he’s writing.

18 52

Happy (Edward Lear's "Owl and the Pussycat" illustrated by L. Leslie Brooke)

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Today’s Vintage Ad With Unexpected Cats.

And soon-to-be-shredded hosiery.

11 38

You might be a Victorian if...

... you write a book titled “Pretty Pictures and Pleasing Rhymes For Dear Children,” and your first thought is “Body count.”

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