

Poe/history blogger. Tweeter of damn fool nonsense. Enlightened on the subject of Goatology. Crazy Cat Lady. Grouch. Abandon hope, all ye who follow here.

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Welcome to this week’s concert!

7 21

You might be a Victorian if...

... you really know how to celebrate

119 327

Today’s Vintage Ad With Unexpected Cats.

Spelling bee!

4 34

Happy (Mount Olympus, Giulio Romano)

4 11

Laima could also bring happy marriages, fertile fields, and healthy livestock and horses.

On the other hand, I once knew a woman named after Laima, and she was one of the unluckiest people I ever met. So go figure. [Image: “God, Mara, Laima,” Jēkabs Bīne]

4 22

Julie Manet with cat, by Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

I hope we’re not seeing a strangulation here.

13 54

Welcome to this week’s Book Club!

9 41