Михаил Воронов (Illiryel)さんのプロフィール画像

Михаил Воронов (Illiryel)さんのイラストまとめ

I work as a teacher of history and sociology, writing poetry; I love Japanese food, anime, and listen to music, great music!

フォロー数:461 フォロワー数:217


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So I was in a hurry to share the result of the night work, that I did not notice cosmetic mistakes in the English version of the verse. I share with you the corrected version of the translation into English :)
1000 apologies for a typo.

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詩はと呼ばれています:一晩中… (That's all night...)

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The third poem is called: You are like a child.
This is a special case of verse-ring.
To my regret, when translating into English, it was not possible to preserve the peculiarities of the structure of the text (encoding and pattern of the pauses between words), but..

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Heartily thank you for your wonderful creativity and with joy sharing with you a verse that was written on the basis of one of your paintings.
Name of the verse: Prayer. Verse manifest.
I am sending you the original verse on Russian and translation into English :)

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私たちはあなたを通知するために満足しています、 あなたの写真のうちの1枚に基づいた詩の仕事が終わったこと。
詩の名前:郵便配達員。 詩リング。
詩は日本語と英語に翻訳されました。 私はまたあなたにロシア語でオリジナルを送ります:)

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Кратко о настроении и произведении искусства в процессе написания стиха :)
Kortfattat om stämningen och konstverket i färd med att skapa en vers :)
Briefly about the mood and works of art in the process of creating a verse :)
詩を作成する過程での気分や芸術作品について (^-^)b

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Доброго вам вечера и низкий вам поклон за ваше замечательные картины. С радостью делюсь с вами стихом, на написание которого вдохновила одна из ваших работ :) Рабочее название стиха: Алые ленты судьбы. Стих-кольцо.

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happy to send you a verse translated into English and Japanese with the original version in Russian. 1000 apologies for possible errors when translating into Japanese and hope you enjoy what happened thanks to your wonderful picture :)
詩 - リング

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Dear friends, happy to share with all of you a new verse in the genre of cyberpunk. Working title of the verse: Dialogue.
Author of the Art: Bei Yan https://t.co/AEWDVkYkMA
I give you the options for translating the verse into English, Chinese, Japanese, and a variant in Russian.

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