Михаил Воронов (Illiryel)さんのプロフィール画像

Михаил Воронов (Illiryel)さんのイラストまとめ

I work as a teacher of history and sociology, writing poetry; I love Japanese food, anime, and listen to music, great music!

フォロー数:461 フォロワー数:217

I am happy to share with you the result of translating the verse into Japanese and apologize for the delay and mistakes in the translation. Some words had to be replaced, which slightly affected the meaning of some lines, but only slightly. I hope you enjoy the result

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From the bottom of my heart I thank 薰衣 for his remarkable creativity and this art that inspired me to write a poem.
I share with all of you an English version of the verse. The verse is called: Almost like us..
As a background music was used this melody: https://t.co/OVmgM50VkH

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Thank you very much! m(_ _)m I apologize for possible mistakes in translation.
I'll try to translate into Japanese directly, I'm not sure I can do it right, but I'll try. I will also send you the original in Russian, in case you get someone who can translate a poem on the fly :)

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all is ready :) I am happy to share with you my poem and I apologize for possible errors in the language. The translation was not perfect, but very close in meaning to the original in Russian. Look at the "white text" :)

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Кратко о настроении в этот момент ^ ^,
Briefly about the mood at this moment :)
Kortfattat om stämningen just nu.. :)
この瞬間の気分と現代美術についての簡単な説明 ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻ ,,(((  ̄□)_/ \_(○ ̄ ))),,

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Jag gratulerar hela er båda på er födelsedagar och skyndar på att dela med dig stämningen i kväll (^__^)

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Кратко о настроении, искусстве и красоте природы в эту минуту...
Briefly about the mood, art and beauty of nature at this moment...
Kortfattat om stämning, konst och skönhet i naturen just nu...

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Кратко о настроении в этот момент :)
Briefly about the mood at this moment :)
Kortfattat om stämningen just nu :)
この瞬間の気分について簡単に :)

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Кратко о настроении, фантазии и искусстве в эту минуту:
Briefly about mood, imagination and art at this moment:
Kortfattat om humör, fantasi och konst just nu:
今の気分、想像力、芸術について簡単に :)

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Кратко о настроении, технологиях и архитектуре в этот момент...
Briefly about the mood, technology and architecture at this moment...
Kortfattat om stämning, teknik och arkitektur just nu...

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