Issei Ryuudouさんのプロフィール画像

Issei Ryuudouさんのイラストまとめ

#FateRp // Exclusively Sfw // Writer has any pronouns //

フォロー数:280 フォロワー数:278

Okay then. Prove it. If you can beat the school's record without tripping or sustaining injuries I'll ask them to increase the track team's funding by 75%.

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*he tries to calm himself as screaming wont help the situation*

W-what happened? Was it.... Those shade things?

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*he looks at the scary weirdo. It takes him a second to process it but when he does he jumps back a bit*

You're the one who held Shirou captive aren't you!?

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Huh? "En-Pee-What-now?"

I don't know what that is.

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*issei IMMEDIATLY gets up and bows*

Sorry! I tripped and I didn't see you there!

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I just realized. I never told Shirou that I summoned a servant did I?

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