Issei Ryuudouさんのプロフィール画像

Issei Ryuudouさんのイラストまとめ

#FateRp // Exclusively Sfw // Writer has any pronouns //

フォロー数:280 フォロワー数:278


Wasn't that...

when the grail war took place? Did you two meet each-other by fighting?

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A big difference in time. How would it be between 15 years and a few months?

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I heard caster say something about a wedding. Who's getting married?

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Hm? What's wrong? Something on my face?

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*He is startled by the stranger tackling him-*

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I wonder if Archer...

No that's a dumb question.

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I'm... Not fond of it. I don't see it necessary to fight over things like land and resources, when I'm sure there's a more... peaceful solution to the matter.

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Stop right there!

*He runs after*

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Haven't been called that yet.

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It seems so.

Well there's no use in trying to avoid it at this point. After all with it's faults it does contain a plethora of information.

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