Issei Ryuudouさんのプロフィール画像

Issei Ryuudouさんのイラストまとめ

#FateRp // Exclusively Sfw // Writer has any pronouns //

フォロー数:280 フォロワー数:278

I see...

How does being a master work?

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Nice to meet you as well..

*He looks at the Tiger suit*

"Jaguar Man..?"

So I guess.. I'm your master now?

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//here's a wip on an Issei drawing I'm working on!

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Okay let's see who I summoned...
*he feels a burning sensation on his hand as 3 red markings appear (which I'll draw later). He looks up and he sees...*


F-Fujimura Sensei!?.

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*He pops his head out of the corner*

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*Issei hides behind a corner, phone in hand.*

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>>Must be at least semi active
>>Prefers Good Alignment, but will make an exception to a few.
>>More likely to pick a servant he's gotten to know already.
>>Will use command seals if you threaten Shirou

Like/Dm to apply

RT appreciated!

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Darnit Archer! I'm trying to help a friend out right now. Could you save your self loathing for... I don't know... any other time!?

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Not now Archer, can't you see he's going through something?

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