James McCallumさんのプロフィール画像

James McCallumさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:316 フォロワー数:4776

Hare chase - the female turns and lunges out with both front feet to fend off one of the males

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Richardson's Canada Goose, a vagrant from High Arctic Canada, amongst the Pinkfeet was another highlight. It was often viewed distantly but I was really pleased to see it at close range on a couple of occasions.

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Hume's Warbler sketchbook page from this morning. Lovely and very vocal bird at Brancaster, giving two different call notes today

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Little Auk sketched at Blakeney Point today. On my arrival at Cley this morning I was surprised to see a Little Auk just offshore so made a few sketches before it flew off west, I'd not long cleared up my painting kit when another drifted by westwards and along Blakeney Point.

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Stonechats - adults feeding fledglings. The young call, wave one or both wings and show their bright orange gapes as the parents approach with food. 7

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Stonechats - thirteen days after hatching the young birds left the nest. During the first day the fledglings remained concealed in vegetation close to the nest, after that they moved to the cover of nearby brambles, bracken and gorse. 6

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Stonechats catching Lizards - as ever watching common species always throws up surprises. The pair were watched catching immature common lizards and feeding them whole to their nestlings. 5

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Stonechats - when the young hatch the adults suddenly become very vocal and are readily seen collecting food. At the nest-site the young are fed quickly and their waste is contained in a faecal sac which the parents take away and discard. 4

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Rook field paintings from the current exhibition. Great to see so many people attending and nice to have a show again following last year's lockdown cancellations. 20th - 21st Nov is the final weekend

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Really sad to hear that DIM Wallace has passed away. One of the truly inspiring figures in birdwatching. His writing always captured my imagination and I admired his ability to capture the 'jizz' of birds. A real privilege to have got to know him over the last 20 years. RIP Ian

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