Jeffrey Kotykさんのプロフィール画像

Jeffrey Kotykさんのイラストまとめ

Historian, translator, writer. Leiden University PhD. Nam studere servire Deo est. 子曰:「學而時習之,不亦說乎?」

フォロー数:1977 フォロワー数:10164

Presenting on medieval Japanese Buddhist astrology at McGill in Montreal on Friday: "Sukuyōdō 宿曜道: Horoscopy and Astral Magic in Medieval Japan."

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Chinese woodcut of an arhat. 19th century. Wellcome Collection.

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"Descent of the Nine Luminaries and the Seven Stars at Kasuga" from 1300s (Cleveland Museum of Art) is my favorite painting from medieval Japan.

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Saturn on elephant in Japanese Goma rodan yō 護摩爐壇樣 (Model for the Homa Altar). Original text from eighth or ninth century China.

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Surya the sun deity driving in his chariot. Gouache drawing. Wellcome Collection.

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Shennong 神農, Chinese deity of medicine. Wellcome Collection.

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A necromancer inside a circle (Venice, Biblioteca Marciana, MS Lat. VI 245).

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Some other images Goma rodan yō 護摩爐壇樣. Jupiter (Bull), and lunar mansions Ārdrā (參宿) and Śravaṇa (女宿). Ārdrā is connected to Rudra (Śiva), hence the bull. Śravaṇa is connected to Viṣṇu, thus we see the garuda mount, conch-shell, and disc.

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Horse = Sun. Sword = Mercury. Trident = Venus.

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Planets in Goma rodan yō 護摩爐壇樣 (Model for the Homa Altar). Bull = Jupiter. Goose = Moon. Lion = Mars. Elephant = Saturn.

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