🎀Frae's Fortunes🎀NEW ART HERE!さんのプロフィール画像

🎀Frae's Fortunes🎀NEW ART HERE!さんのイラストまとめ

Frances | she/her | Artist | mixed black | check pin
Contact: [email protected]
Portfolio: FortunaIllustration.com
Twitch: FraesFortunes

フォロー数:1995 フォロワー数:20572

Now that I've finished Bayonetta 3 ❤️

855 4070

Now I'm much more experienced, and have a lot more control over my colors and stuff.

What used to take me really long -> can now be pulled off in half the time

I'm a lot more efficient! Efficiency is underrated when it comes to practicing art lol

0 25

After finishing this piece I felt my art permanently level up. Exp drop must've been crazy. https://t.co/c4dCihf6qL

27 182

It's International Lesbian Day, so naturally I'm out here existing 💖

105 542

"The One and Only Magical Girl of Doom"
OC Doomsie

632 1515

"Space Outlaws and Lollipops"
Concept art for my comic
OC Trixie

110 412

Oh dear..this zinger is about to blow up. I went too hard. lol

hello, i'm an artist. Working away on an unannounced sci fi/space western comic.

No microwaves involved💖

Patreon: https://t.co/LtgXcKYcVd
Tip Jar: https://t.co/xVrjPTIIfr
Print Shop: https://t.co/n3J9wiV64B

92 1205

for example:
"Diners and Space Outlaws"
"Lagoons and Space Outlaws"
"Holotapes and Space Outlaws"

the news report :3

6 35

Aw yeah, it's all coming together concept art wise~

114 528