

Just want someone to love me like I love Star Wars.

Comic book connoisseur, Movie fan, Nintendo lover.

Big time Taylor Swift & Carly Rae Jepsen fan.


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65. Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Not 'my' Turtles, what with the mystic powers, the time traveling Casey & the different personalities, but that's OK.

Still fun to be had! Solid character arc for Leo, awesome take on Krang and the energy in the animation is insane

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Imagine being DC and having a fully drawn and completed issue of a Batman horror tale drawn by John Paul Leon and going 'nah, we won't bother releasing that in print'.


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Some fun variant covers for the upcoming Predator issue 1.

Variants by Skottie Young and Rahzzah

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Some stuff from issues 4 and 5.

Glob is clearly a favourite character of Henderson to draw.

Deeply enjoy his expressive faces whenever he shows up

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Feel I'm being unfair to Supergirl by not talking about the series.

Nothing particularly stands out - and I mean that in the nicest way possible because Gates & Igle are producing an incredible consistent & entertaining narrative!

Lovely Middleton covers too

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Then there's Action Comics 876.

Rucka knows when to shut up and let Barrows art do the talking.

God damn this guy is insanely talented. I'm his biggest hypeman

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Initially wasn't keen on Superman being a military commander, but I thought the way he peacefully deals with the Thought Beast outbreak harkening back to his time on a farm was great.

It's a great bit of writing from Robinson & Rucka, plus Pete Woods sure can draw.

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You might wonder why an army of superpowered Kryptonian's would need guns.

Answer: one barrell shoots red sun radiation to depower them, the other shoots a bullet.

Thought it was a pretty well thought out weapon design.

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Action Comics 875 sees Greg Rucka and Eddy Barrows take over the title shifting the focus to the Kryptonian Nightwing & Flamebird duo.

This is great. I could (and will) happily read more of this pairing.

Eddy Barrows is a titanic talent,an artist that deserves way more credit

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