Josie Leeさんのプロフィール画像

Josie Leeさんのイラストまとめ

(If I could paint a picture of my life - I'd paint my life as it is!)
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フォロー数:5807 フォロワー数:7621

Day 110 (catch up - still!)
"Renewable Energy!"
My 1st Mistress of 2018 (I'd been painting for 5yrs).
Enigmatic as ever, she's depicted leaning back (or falling over?), toasting the fresh start (having packed away her lover's gifts)...but still dressed to kill
...whilst waiting?

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Day 105
"Winter's Delight"
Another "Looking for Bill" piece (who's always somewhere in the painting waving at us!) This one is more akin to my own style of this series. the winter mountain scenes are particularly popular, at any time of year. Perhaps because they're whimsical?

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Day 96
"The Beast Within"
It's always exciting to add your own interpretation to an existing theme: I love the Disney animated characters but I wanted Belle to have an anguished maturity, & contrast the handsome wickedness of Garston with the tender heart of the monstrous Beast

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Day 93
"Playing in Time"
Aaah! The remit for this commission was 3 female musicians, with colours to compliment the room.
Now, I LOVE the Fates of Greek myth: the Lute Player is the Spinner, the Harpist the Weaver & the Violinist is the cutter of our thread of life! a joy to do!

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Day 88
"Midnight in Gotham"
My last painting of 2016 - finished just in time to give to my boy for Christmas day! Thank goodness, he was very pleased with the end result!
I'd been painting for just over 3 years & I guess this was the one to give me belief that I could paint!

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Day 86
"Starlight Sentinel"
This was the first time I played with Mirror Foil. No idea if I was using it right, but I guess in art anything is right if it does what you want. I often have a clear picture in my head of what I want to create - is it the same for the rest of you?

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Day 78
"Under Cover"
I usually finish my Mistresses with a resin lacquer. So the first time I used these liquid glass droplets (Day 70), I laboriously pressed each little droplet onto the painting, applied my resin layer...and promptly cover the whole lot!
Ah me!
Such a fool! 🙃

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Day 76
"No Naught Steps Here!"
Another commission and a really romantic result! I needed a way to ensure these little Jacks would 'take up their position' in this piece, otherwise they'd have been lost in the fray. I think a spiral staircase was a perfect prop to put them on show

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This is Annie's successor, as the beautiful lady sadly passed away not long after she sat for the painting.
Emma is a hooligan! She's full of mischief and an accomplished escape artist!
I finished this last week:
"The Great Escape"
24" x 24"
Acrylic with resin finish

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Day 67 (still arrears!)
My very last "Alice" piece & the only one that didn't sell before it was completed. My "Walrus & Carpenter" interpretation was obviously not so popular, but I loved the characters, I love the different textures & loved the fun of it all!

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