

Gold ENNIE award-winning writer for Uncaged: Goddesses. Lover of RPGs, One Piece, & history. He/him.

フォロー数:83 フォロワー数:370

Defenses on the edge of the mists go off all around as Crown the warforged narrowly defeats his opponent atop the train, leaping through lightning & explosions with his warforged "foe" on his back to the boulder-like elemental tumbler that Ash the shifter is driving in pursuit.

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2 warforged battle atop a runaway lightning rail emerging from the Mournland. The Pizza Party just escaped the Lord of Blades, who rigged the train to explode when it hits Vathirond station. Artificers Lana & Wax fail to disarm it & now Wax feels LoB's parting gift: fatal poison!

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Tonight in Wild Beyond the Witchlight, the Winks Club join the OWLBEAR RUN!

Sponsored by a pixie carnie pal named Honeybug, can they get their owlbear over the mountain before the other teams? Or will Wild Wilva be too much for them to handle?🦉

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The sorcerer brandishes their black magic crayon & unleashes a Color Stream that deals 11 necrotic damage & kills the fleeing guards!

Their treasures are worth 270 GP; each baby gains 54 more XP.

Barbarian = 254 XP
Ranger = 54 XP
Monk = 54 XP
Paladin = 54 XP
Sorcerer = 354 XP

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The sorcerer uses a free action on Baby Chaos!

The opposite door of the shed EXPLODES, dealing 5 damage to the guards & monk. The monk BOUNCES backwards 10′.

The sorcerer casts Zombie Piggyback on a slain guard. The undead gives the baby sorcerer a piggy back ride.

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Now let's do a little PLAYTEST using the adventure, SLAVE PITS OF THE UNDERCITY, as well as the party of babies we rolled up earlier in this thread.

The stork drops our babies off outside a ruined temple compound on the edge of a city, its interior burned out & gutted.

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This includes:
🛠️What your parents do
🪞 What they look like
💏How they feel about their relationship
❓How OTHERS feel about it
🌆The world & society you'll be born into
👵Other caregivers
👨‍👨‍👧‍👦Your siblings

I love that this section highlights queerness, adopted, & found family.

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The stork is the primary caregiver of Dungeon Babies. You can "summon the stork with gold or a blood sacrifice." Doing so means you don’t gain XP from the treasure or the creature (at least 100). Upon being summoned, the stork will grab nearby babies & whisk them back to Vyraj.

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Special Equipment includes:
🍼Milk Bottle
🧸Stuffed Animal (a baby necromancer may use animal corpses)
👶Baby Doll
🅱️Blocks (spellcasters can play with them for 10 minutes to regain an expended 1st level spell slot)

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Babies can start crying as a bonus action. To stop crying:
🍼Drink milk/eat food & succeed on WIS save
🩸Kill a non-baby & succeed on WIS save
💤Be put to sleep
😵Be reduced to 0 HP
😢Attempt a WIS save (advantage w/ pacifier) once per cry.

Otherwise, you might exhaust yourself.

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