

He/Him indepedent artist and wannabe cool-dude

We do a little bit of Tabletop RPG playing

フォロー数:698 フォロワー数:566

Life is too short to be that fucking stupid, draw what you want to, however you want to do it, as long as you're doing what you love.

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Yes hello, I'm a dude called Korrag and I like to draw my sketches on paper before digitizing for the ink and colors, which I think is pretty cool.

Not a lot of waifu or lewd but I like to think my art is worth looking at and sometimes paying for.

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Let's not forget about-

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Third time's the charm-
This is my first piece of work using my new G pen and Milli Pens for all of the inking and using digital for cleanup and one extra tuft of hair.
Overall pretty happy with it!

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Hello my name is Korrag and I am a heeeyuuuuuuuge hyuckin amateur but I'd like to make my own comics someday.

I'm largely a hobbyist but I do take commissions on the side

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I feel called out since I'm horrible and haven't assembled a commission sheet, but I'm open to talk if anyone wants soemthing from me, lol

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Hey I made her colorful and retro looking

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Mine is literally a power Rangers villain that I thought was the SICKEST SHIT EVER (and still do) but slightly misspelled because the actual name was taken on Hotmail when I was like 8 or whatever.

Koragg the Wolf Knight is my spirit animal forever.

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