not happeningさんのプロフィール画像

not happeningさんのイラストまとめ

stuck in your head like a chumbawumba song

フォロー数:68 フォロワー数:195

Pete and MJ making out under a disco ball to "In The Navy" at a toga party is the kind of college fun that did not happen nearly enough in all the other times Pete was in college

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livin for these horny pete/mj moments

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dialogue is funny because this came, like, 2 months before the FF and Avengers came back, but mostly i'm sharing this one 'cause i think it looks cool. Steve Skroce did not draw enough issues of Spidey for how good he was at it.

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either it's really cold in there or joel schumacher designed titania's "thunder girl" costume

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this is the spider-man that ppl who share those pages of him beating up kingpin want

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I'm looking way too closely at Peter Parker's tuition bill here. My conclusions are:
- the math doesn't work unless it's supposed to be 4 credits, not 3, and he didn't pay the $40 admin fee
- less than 3k actually seems pretty cheap for a NYC based University

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no extra money for christmas because his shitty job doesn't pay enough... another comic that really clicked with me for some reason

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this issue (Spectacular 241) is peak Pete/MJ content

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spidey has a message for anyone who's working late -

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fuck it, we reading spider-man

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