Hargovind Sachdevさんのプロフィール画像

Hargovind Sachdevさんのイラストまとめ

Twitter friendship is like a Bank Account: You can not draw more from it than you deposit... Let us increase Twitter friends...

フォロー数:79854 フォロワー数:91606

Life is as easy or as hard...
As we think it is...

38 83

Meaning of life is to find your rhythm...
Purpose of life is spread harmony...

8 18

When even a small twist of brush creates a memory...
You are in Love...

14 25

Soulful Music ,
Makes me forget how much I am Stressed...
It tells me how much I am Blessed...

28 54

There is pleasure in walking barefoot...
By the side of exquisite water bodies...

23 44

Important thing is not where we stand in life...
It is which direction, we are moving...

29 33

Too many people miss the silver lining...
Because they are only searching the gold...

12 18

Mother is best friend of daughter...
A pony ride on mother's back,
Makes her smarter...

40 54

Sometimes A Friend Makes Your Mind Angry...
But Your Sublime Heart Still Cares...

130 164

Is My Best Friend, It Never Laughs When I Cry...

25 29