Ledel 🟢0p3n Kommissi0ns🟢さんのプロフィール画像

Ledel 🟢0p3n Kommissi0ns🟢さんのイラストまとめ

Op3n K0mmissi0ns :D ko-fi.com/ledel/commissi… // INFJ 🎄 sleep-deprived potato artist
he/they 🇨🇱

フォロー数:834 フォロワー数:5478



Omg I didn't notice that detail!! 🥺


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✨Tam Lin✨
Tam Lin is an old fairy ballad from Scotland (my personal fav)
Day 5: Fairytale
first I was thinking in just link the tale but I ended up illustrating it so it's in the thread 🫡

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Thank you Delu!! Glad you like it, even it's something spicy!
I was wondering if the fandom will take it or hate it.
Honestly I was so embarrassed to show this to you at first but now not regrets!! 👉🏻👈🏻🥺🌷

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Thank you so much, Shake さん!
I'm glad you like it
🥺🌷 and I love your art so much.

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This Lumi is just a part of the page 8 from new comic (yeah I made two more pages for anti-rushing narrative police.)
I just want to upload something 😔💙

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