

Full time NFT bluechip trader. DM me on twitter for any OTC deals

フォロー数:5252 フォロワー数:47649

WTS koda pickaxe artifact with rare resource 8E OTC

Last one sold for 8.8E 2 days ago without any rare resource

0 3

Feels good to join back gang with this M2 Merch mutant. Back in the mutant channel

0 12

WTS T5 Koda with rare southern resource ( Entradium) on mayc land. Selling for 19E OTC/X2y2 private sale. Also willing to trade for Floor Koda +ETH or other yuga assets.

0 5

WTT/WTS 3 birds (Skelly/hoodie/space helmet with moon eyes) for yuga/azuki assets. Also looking to move flower doodle for yuga/azuki assets. Hit me up!

Also have 2 kodas up for sale/trade

0 0

Just got this bad boy. Question remains WTF is a koda? Ready for 2nd trip on 25th March. LFG 🚀

0 9

Hello to my new ape! Let's see how long it last in my account before its flipped/traded away

0 10

Fire sale for this clean double bored ape for 68.5E. Listed on blur

0 4

Gm family. Just bought back ape! Returning back after 1 month of break. Feels good to be back. Shoot me your apes for instant liquidity :)

0 15

New day new ape. An ape a day keeps the doctor away

13th ape btw :)

1 41