

Full time NFT bluechip trader. DM me on twitter for any OTC deals

フォロー数:5252 フォロワー数:47649

After break for 2 days from family just joined back with my 12th ape. Will keep trading all the way till I hit grail ape :)

1 17

After 4 days of break back with buying another ape This is my 11th ape and first cheetah ape. LFG 🚀

3 45

And after a few hours got my 10th ape now. This time it's first ever purchase of noise fur ape. Back to holding 2 apes at a time for the 2nd time in around 2 weeks

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Just copped my 9th Ape. It's getting wild out here trading apes

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Just copped my 8th ape in less than 2 weeks of getting into ape market. For the first time holding 2 apes at a time. Goal is to stack up ETH all the way upto grail ape eventually. Will keep you guys posted 🚀

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After taking break for 1 day from just joined back family with this M2 merch mutant. Can't keep myself away for too long from BAYC anymore haha

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Just joined back

Back to the garden. Would love to connect with fellow azuki holders :)

12 199

WTS tier 5 land koda 11.5E only. WTS regular koda 10.5E only cheapest. Can do x2y2 private sale dm if interested

0 1

If anyone wants this sexy viking I am selling it for 8.5 ETH only. Kindly dm me on twitter and ill setup x2y2 private sale thankyou

0 7

New grail doodle acquired. Bullish on LFG 🚀

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