

Full time NFT bluechip trader. DM me on twitter for any OTC deals

フォロー数:5252 フォロワー数:47649

New mutant who this? 👀

Just joined back family after over a month. Feels good to be back with an m2 merch mutant. My first ever merch mutant :)

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14.5 for the next hour for my koda on bio land+artifact. Need instant liquid. Dm me on twitter

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WTS koda with artifact 13.2E. WTS koda on bio land +artifact cheapest for 16E. Hit me up on twitter if interested. Have them both listed on Blur/OS/LR

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Just joined after trading bluechips for almost a year. Excited to connect with fellow garden members. Also trading bunch of doodles for azuki and other bluechips. Shoot a dm if any offers

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Looking to trade/sell these doods for tax loss harvest. Hmu if you got doodles or other bluechips to trade

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Looking to sell or trade these doodles for other bluechips or ETH. Hit me up with offers :)

Dm me on twitter

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LFG hmu if you want some cool doods

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Trading these sexy doodles for other bluechips or other floor doods. Hit me up! Also WTS them. Dm me on twitter

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