Mellifluous Vellichor 🔥 #SheRaSeason6 🔥さんのプロフィール画像

Mellifluous Vellichor 🔥 #SheRaSeason6 🔥さんのイラストまとめ

SPOP stan account / adult, she/her (they/them), lesbian 🏳️‍🌈 / INFJ-T ♉️ /
99% SPOP content, the last 1% is also gay / 💖 @Atarun 💖

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:789

I would love to do my share as a part of this society and talk about how hot Adora is & find screenshots, but I have to leave for work. I know, I have my priorities skewed smh 😔

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What can I say except that I love Adora 💕 and would also very much love 💕

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I did research:
In the dip, Catra is the lead/base; Adora is the follow/flyer.
At least in salsa (?), the flyer must attach her hips to the lead's for support. With her back supported, the flyer may rise a thigh between the lead's legs (not quite *that* high but... Anyways 👀)

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I'm wondering... IF Catra realized she was being used as a bait to lure Adora within Horde Prime's reach it must have been very painful to her. But... She was so sure that no living soul would care about her fate. She was expecting Adora to come for Glimmer but not for her.

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* Sword of Protection, 1000 y.o. First Ones' tech, physically solid object, made in order to channel She-Ra's magic and ultimately weaponize her
* She-Ra's new sword, created by Adora out of pure divine magic, to be called forth from nothingness as needed

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If we believe Razz, Etheria chooses who is the next She-Ra. She is part of the planet's native magic.
And if we believe Light Hope in this, there had been many She-Ras before Mara (the first 'First One' She-Ra).
She-Ra does not need to be a First One.

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A reminder that in her & Molly's live stream, Noelle said about Adora & Catra:

💕💖💗"They have these Passionate Gay Feelings for each other"💗💖💕

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...After Adora had teased Catra:
Catra feels so bad she doesn't even spare Adora one glance. She just walks into the "fire".
Adora is visibly upset and frustrated. I wonder if she's thinking "Argh, why is everything still so difficult with her?!" or "Dammit, I screwed up... 😟"

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...So any young animal in Etheria might actually not be an animal at all, but an infant of humanoid parents!
Are babies of Thaymor like tiny goatlings? And Erelandian babies little mushrooms?! Don't make them into a dish by accident...! :D
Babies: 🦂🦎🐙🐐🐱🍄🦬

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