Mellifluous Vellichor 🔥 #SheRaSeason6 🔥さんのプロフィール画像

Mellifluous Vellichor 🔥 #SheRaSeason6 🔥さんのイラストまとめ

SPOP stan account / adult, she/her (they/them), lesbian 🏳️‍🌈 / INFJ-T ♉️ /
99% SPOP content, the last 1% is also gay / 💖 @Atarun 💖

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:789

SPOP characters' art of themselves or each other

1-2) by Catra
3) fan art of She-Ra by a Horde cadet (who?)
4) by Rogelio (probably - it was in his locker)

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Catra vs. She-Ra size difference through the seasons

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But even Bow did not *immediately* accept his old opponent without reservations. It took him whole one (1) episode to smile at Catra, and approx. 0,3 episodes more to treat her like a friend!
Actually that IS pretty fast... 🤔🥺

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Duly noted! This reminds me, I'm The Original for these screencaps... Which were, as it happens, used in a creative way by another account. (The possibility did cross my mind when I posted them 😶 but I let it go because why not)

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Finally, this hug... Catra realizing she's safe. Adora so relieved, embracing Catra so gently; Catra's complete surprise, and then fiercely hugging her back. Their first hug since Adora defected - something that they must have thought they could never have again. 💔😭💖

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There's no doubt that without She-Ra's healing powers, Catra would have died very soon. Glimmer and Bow were mourning her (despite of having only known her as an enemy!). She-Ra healing Catra, and Adora crying over her, is one of the most beautiful scenes in SPOP. 💕🥺💕

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- but was she actually *dead*? Can She-Ra revive someone who has already passed? I heard that the descriptive audio mentions Catra's "lifeless body", but AFAIK 'lifeless' can mean either dead or apparently/seemingly dead (unmoving etc.).

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It's not even derailing tbh since this has gone from Catra's teleportation issues to motion sickness to seasickness to dislike of water. And I agree with all of that except am not sure about the seasickness ;) It's all fine, Catra is a versatile topic.

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Yeah 🥺 That's the second time Glimmer moved them all. Catra had just said "How about a warning next time?" Catra is not happy = Adora is not happy...
This is one second before Glimmer teleported them to Erelandia. Catra knows what's going to happen but has no time to react:

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