Mellifluous Vellichor 🔥 #SheRaSeason6 🔥さんのプロフィール画像

Mellifluous Vellichor 🔥 #SheRaSeason6 🔥さんのイラストまとめ

SPOP stan account / adult, she/her (they/them), lesbian 🏳️‍🌈 / INFJ-T ♉️ /
99% SPOP content, the last 1% is also gay / 💖 @Atarun 💖

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:789

(1/2) Hair thoughts ;)
Noelle about She-Ra's OLD look: "- elements of femininity that Adora is very uncomfortable with: The skirt, the tiara, the long flowing hair."
Adora: "She-Ra has better hair..."
??? So Adora does like She-Ra's hair, but...

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Damn you horny Twitter for making me look at that scene in a different way 😳 DT!She-Ra is very... Expressive.

7 19

Yes, some tidying up re: disabling robots (and misbehaving clones?) will be needed for a time, but that's hardly enough work to consider it an intergalactic rebellion - bots & robots are just machines. (I think only Hordak's Horde used bots? HP used robots like these, not bots.)

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Unexpected perils of a super soft princess bed

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...Probably not because the First Ones had spread their tech - and their people? - all across their empire and may still survive on some planets.
When the Best Friends Squad travels around space returning magic to the universe, they might still find Adora' relatives.

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The Last First One?

Light Hope to Adora: "The First Ones will rise again. You are a descendant of their mighty empire."
Horde Prime to Adora: "...A face I have not seen in a 1000 years. Not since I faced your ancestors and crushed their once-mighty empire beneath my heel."

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Adora's scars:
In S1E13 Catra made vertical wounds in She-Ra's back.
But She-Ra ALWAYS magically heals.
Chipped Catra made horizontal/diagonal wounds in Adora's back - like the scars in Noelle's art.
Conclusion: Adora's scars are not from Battle of BM but from chipped Catra.

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Unpopular opinion:
Adora and Catra are not married. What Adora saw was not a vision of their future but her own beautiful dream of what she *hopes* their future might be like. Yes, they probably will get married, but we cannot say that in canon they ARE.

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When the trailer came out so many were afraid this was actually Double Trouble. But it WAS Adora. Confident, smug Adora...

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