Mellifluous Vellichor 🔥 #SheRaSeason6 🔥さんのプロフィール画像

Mellifluous Vellichor 🔥 #SheRaSeason6 🔥さんのイラストまとめ

SPOP stan account / adult, she/her (they/them), lesbian 🏳️‍🌈 / INFJ-T ♉️ /
99% SPOP content, the last 1% is also gay / 💖 @Atarun 💖

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:789

On one hand, Adora embraces her new powers and role as She-Ra and would not give it up. On the other hand, she struggles with the concept of being the planet's Chosen One and losing some of her agency & free will.

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Learning to control what the sword changed into & use magic to heal (the Heart Blossom, glitching Glimmer etc.), was a frustrating process but Adora persevered.
"I spent my whole life without powers. No way am I gonna stop using them now."

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Learning the truth about of the Sword was a monumental moment. The First Ones made it to control She-Ra, turning her into a weapon - the key for destruction. That doesn't make She-Ra / runestone sinister, but it was a shock to Adora and what she thought her purpose was.

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When Catra bullied She-Ra with thought of letting down her friends & being too weak to save them, She-Ra got a spontaneous power boost. Later Adora learned to call forth She-Ra's specific power glow at will. The glow makes her magic more effective.

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Filling the responsibilities of the latest incarnation of a supernatural being is stressful & takes time. Months training with LH, playing a crucial part in battles, finding more questions than answers, and dealing with misfunctioning/stealthy holograms & spaceship tech.

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On Beast Island, Adora's memories of her friends gave her willpower to fight the numbing effect & vines. That sparked her connection to She-Ra, showing in her eyes before the transformation for the 1st time, and as her self-doubt fled she could access her powers again.

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When Adora is unsure / overcome with doubt, she cannot channel She-Ra & transform. That's why she couldn't do it when turning Horsey to Swift Wind, or when manipulated by SW in Mystacor, or on Beast island at first. There she realized her self-doubt was holding her back.

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She-Ra is susceptible to infection by an ancient virus, designed to affect her via the sword's runestone. Overcome by pain, then berserk killing rage, and finally inebriated w/ no memory of the events at all. Losing all sanity at the blink of an eye must be terrifying.

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While Adora has some of her choices made for her by the role of She-Ra, she also has some extra agency. She can make her voice heard & decisions respected easier than just anyone.
"I told you both to stay out of here."
"She's She-Ra, Mom. What do you expect me to do?"

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In the Battle of Bright Moon, She-Ra gave it her all but finally had to admit defeat. Her friends did not judge her. That moment highlighted that even as She-Ra with her powers, Adora is still human (First One but still) with limited resources and human weaknesses.

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