Mellifluous Vellichor 🔥 #SheRaSeason6 🔥さんのプロフィール画像

Mellifluous Vellichor 🔥 #SheRaSeason6 🔥さんのイラストまとめ

SPOP stan account / adult, she/her (they/them), lesbian 🏳️‍🌈 / INFJ-T ♉️ /
99% SPOP content, the last 1% is also gay / 💖 @Atarun 💖

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:789

She-Ra is powerful but not omnipotent. At first Adora has problems accepting this; reflecting her own uncertainties & self-doubt into the She-Ra side of her, thinking that if Adora can't do everything necessary, She-Ra should be able to. She NEEDS to save everyone.

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Adora: "I wanna be the best She-Ra, I wanna protect the planet. But Catra, she's just in my head." Adora admits to LH that Catra (even as simulation) distracts her when she's training as She-Ra, affecting her performance. The same happens at meetings as Adora...

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Adora seems to enjoy the transformation and, at times, also its effect on people (especially enemies). She never hesitates to turn into She-Ra at the slightest reason, and there's pure joy on her face when she does it for fun or a mundane task, without danger or battle.

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Bow: "She-Ra could've caused an avalanche."
She-Ra: "But she didn't, okay?"
"Know about She-Ra? I AM She-Ra."
Adora talks about She-Ra in the 3rd person as a separate entity. At times she point-blank says "I'm She-Ra." She's Adora but ALSO She-Ra, and identities overlap.

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When Glimmer and Bow had been captured, Angella said "If we had She-Ra we might have a chance, but without the Sword of Protection..." - unwittingly emphasizing that only She-Ra & the sword matter. Luckily, Adora does NOT give up. Maybe that's what inspired Angella in S3.

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But Adora was almost shocked at the surprise party held in Elberon. She was still not used to being *celebrated*.
B: "It's a big party for us."
A: "As individuals? Is that normal? - You really, really didn't have to go to all this trouble. - They've got stories about me!"

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She started processing it right away & got assurance from friends...

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...people giving her flowers, food, gifts & their babies (to be blessed?), chanting "She-Ra! She-Ra!" & expecting her to singlehandedly save the kingdom. It must have been overwhelming. Finally, having to deal with their disappointment when they saw she was "just a girl".

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On her FIRST mission as She-Ra, Adora was the focus of ridiculous amounts of hero worship. Heralded as the long-awaited nearly-mythical heroine; learning there were ancient stories of She-Ra's heroics she needed to match; Bow inventing unreal stories of her achievements...

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Initially it was necessary for She-Ra to take over not only Adora's body but also her MIND. Adora would not have known what She-Ra was capable of without the magic showing it to her first-hand. She-Ra deflected, struck & leapt with Adora hardly aware what she was doing.

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