

I discovered the secret to enlightenment: its watching Land Before Time movies. Science, Death Metal, Biology. ☸️ #LandBeforeTime #LandB4Time #WeWantMoreLBT

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And the first picture I commissioned of the gang as adults, also from Isis.

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Last year we did something winter themed so this year I commissioned something more aligned with the season. As with every year, thank you to the artist IsisMasshiro for his great work on this piece. He never lets me down and I'm always excited to show you guys his new stuff.

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Its my favorite time of year again! Happy Land Before Time Day, everyone!

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to eat people. Then the first sequel came out, and sharpteeth became a species, not just one character. We had Chomper’s parents and Chomper himself: we found out the sharpteeth of this cartoon dinosaur world could have families and love ones in a way that stood in stark contrast

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the most iconic death in the series by killing Littlefoot’s mother. He himself is probably the second most iconic death in the series when our kid heroes try to drown him. There aren’t a lot of animated movies that can get away with showing the protagonists actively and

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trio represent something of an end of an era in the Land Before Timemovies: after film seven, there were never again any speaking antagonists. I think that’s kind of tragic given just how well these three have been received and how wildly popular they are with fans. Part of that

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themselves. Sierra, meanwhile, is an angry sociopath with absolutely no feeling of empathy for nyone or anything. He openly hates Pterano and seems ready to Starscream him at the first possible opportunity. Its him who ends up snatching Ducky and so in a roundabout way it’s

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Pterano, Rinkus and Sierra

We finally got to Petrie's fabulous uncle and his two very good friends.

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who also kidnap one of the gang and threaten to kill them. A lot of it is just the hard switch of tone towards the end, starting out relatively light hearted and being relatively ineffectual bad guys throughout most of the film only to end up waaay more sinister than I would have

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and with it, the darkest moral swerve in Land Before Time history. Constantly stealing and eating eggs is bad by the logic of this series, since it’s like constantly eating other people’s unborn babies, but at the end of the day they’re just trying to get something to eat. Sure,

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