

I discovered the secret to enlightenment: its watching Land Before Time movies. Science, Death Metal, Biology. #LandBeforeTime #LandB4Time #WeWantMoreLBT

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cartoons I saw. Seeing open gashes in something like the Land Before Time was a shock. I think it was only allowed to happen because Chomper’s parents are unvoiced characters, I can’t see them ever having done this to Grandpa Longneck or Cera’s dad. I did mention in one of my

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of danger to the movie. They sure delivered. Just look at his design, his pupils are so slitted and his overall effect looks so feral. And its more than just looking scary: they give him some of that unstoppable quality the first film’s sharptooth has. He leaps over ravines,

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that too, which is why they made sure there was something else lurking on the Mysterious Island for the kids to fight. Out of all the voiceless, nameless, roaring sharpteeth in the sequels, the Plated Sharptooth was significant enough that I felt the need to give him half his own

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since even by stretching the term ‘antagonists’ I would not call Chomper’s parents antagonists in any sense by the time of the fifth movie. They’re a dilemma at worst, never once directly threatening any of the kids. in that movie, something that the kids I think the writers knew

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be surprised if some kids watching the film might have thought he WAS the first film’s sharptooth. Their eyes just seem to bulge through out a lot of the film. They don’t just look intimidating, they look psychotic and furious. Later on, we find out they ARE furious, just not for

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I mean the TV series was aired alongside things like Baby Looney Tunes: Red Claw IS intimidating compared to pretty much any other thing in any other show the LBT series would have been shown with. But I also have a more in-universe theory, and it involves his two raptor lackeys,

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displays is simply that the TV series was rated TV-Y, which puts more limits on what you’re allowed to show than even the sequels’ G ratings. I think they just weren’t allowed to make Red Claw any more intimidating than they did and still get away with that rating and timeslot.

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sharpteeth of the series and the threat they posed was like a nice hearty blast of caffeine. We’ll talk more about notable depictions of individual sharpteeth in the series later on, but before we get to them, I just wanted to impress this point: every sharptooth, from the

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all the death in the Fantasia segment way back in the day to Jurassic Park in the 90s to Primal today. It is, I theorize, one of the big reasons dinosaurs are so consistently popular with kids: they’re often their first real taste of depictions of glorified violence.

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never going to actually happen. It wasn’t something wholly unique to the Land Before Time. The big difference, however, is if a cat ever catches a mouse in a cartoon you’d expect him to eat it in an inoffensive and suitably cartoony manner: if a raptor or a T. rex catches

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