

FR/EN 3D Generalist. Self-taught. Currently working on my portfolio !

フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:678

Tweaked her a bit
She looks similar to Xrd and at first, I thought they just changed the head and the halo

Turns out the whole model is much closer to a strive model than an Xrd model.

And that's it. If you like what I do, please throw me a follow and RTs !

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Finally JKO. The playable folder only contains her ball and some textures. That's it. Her body is contained within the story folder but is somewhat dark. They definetely need to tweak the textures a bit to make her fit with the rest ofthe cast in matches (if they plan to add her)

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Now, for the least interesting one... I'm sorry Jam mains it really is the Xrd model ported to strive. It has the same materials, the same files, works the same, got the Xrd Faust super face, damaged clothing, the same panties... It's really just the same... Except for one thing.

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The story model has 2 separate hoods. The one in the playable folder has it directly on the body with proper bones for animation

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That's a pretty big flaw and it's hard to tell if they are using that model in story mode or the body model in the playable folder. Aside from that, there is nothing else noteworthy about him. Here are some more screenshots showing differences.

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The bodies are similar but the heads are different. The base textures are COMPLETELY different.

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As you can tell the skeletons are similar but have some differences. Why is that relevant ? Sol got extra bones that are unnecessary with his model but required for Dragon Install Sol. It's very possible that ASK has a DI or an alternative model of some sort.

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Now, time for ASK or That Man. There are some weird things going on with him. First thing that should be noted is that he got 1 model in the playable chara folder and another one in the story mode folder. They have some pretty big differences and somewhat different skeletons.

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He has 2 story mode folder. One of them contain his car and the other contain 2 models. The first one is identical to the one in the playable character folder, the other is a damaged version of him.

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Next character is COS or Happy Chaos. There isn't really a whole lot to say about him. He got 2 guns and a black halo. That's pretty much it. He doesn't have anything noteworthy

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