A humanoid trash fireさんのプロフィール画像

A humanoid trash fireさんのイラストまとめ

Palaeontographer, zoology speculator, irregular illustrator, coprolite generator, wiki-ist, cat lady, ADHD, She/Her, unsuitable for all ages 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈

フォロー数:674 フォロワー数:7408

I'm still going through the backups of my old newspaper illustration work, and came across this little gem. This was pre-everything and holy shit is it just full of major *egg cracking noises*

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Follow-up: digging through old backups I found another drawing from the same year & month that leads me to believe the sauropod in the above image is also Argentinosaurus. I like the color scheme I gave Amargasaurus, though. I hope I get a chance to reuse that at some point.

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Happy 11K! To celebrate, have selection of my arthropod art, including one of the last vector graphics illustrations I ever made (also probably the oldest digital piece I've ever shared on twitter).

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Joinging the bandwagon because I've also drawn four things that qualify as birds. Probably. I assume.

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Time to hop on the spiny Dimetrodon bandwagon

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And now for color art: senmurv, achaierai, carrion crawler and aboleth

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Sorry for no more content this week, because I am busy on multiple fronts. I did however have time to draw this Lizard Wizard as an apology. Maybe it's a sapient squamate that does magic? Maybe this is Spectember appropriate after all? Who's to say?

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And let's not forget LGBT advocacy and alternate evolution speczoo. And the funnies.

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Up to and including: mildly speculative stuff, wildly speculative stuff, what even is this, literal retro paleoart 3D shitpost extravaganza

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