

(he/him) A schmuck from space who wants to make video games. Currently developing THE KEY ON SCHMUCK MOUNTAIN. Also created... A buncha other bullshit!!!!!

フォロー数:469 フォロワー数:238

DAY 21: GHOULISH RONNY. Ghouls aren't allowed to trick or treat, which upsets Ronny to his core, what if he wants some sweets and treats? In order to get his fill of sweets, he pretends to be a child dressed as a ghoul. Odd that people keep shutting their doors on him, though..

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DAY 20: THE ULTIMATE GAME MASTER. He's struck the strongest homerun, he's gotten the highscore on every acade cabinet, he's won the biggest bet at poker. The Ultimate Gamer Master has never been beaten at a game, or at least anyone who has have never lived to tell the tale...

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DAY 19: FLUTE BIRD. Flute Birds are creatures that are often seen regularly flying through the Woodwinds, a noisy and windy forest. They are known for their tubed beak and the loud high pitched whistling sound it makes. Their beaks can also be used to strongly inhale food.

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DAY 18: CHORUS WORMS. The Chorus Worms are a trio of exact minded worms who like to hide in dark nook and crannies so they can pop their heads out at some passerby and, in unison, shout some vague, foreboading message at them in a loud booming voice.

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DAY 17: PATCH THE PUPPETEER. Patch is a being of felt and stuffing who had their mouth sewed shut after a little too much back talk. After that day, he uses stray cloth and chunks of himself to create dinky hand puppets for him to be able to talk through. He is in a lot of pain.

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DAY 16: BODYCLOCK CLEANER. If your sleep schedule is all out of whack and you're waking up at strange times, leave a 50 dollar bill under your pillow and The Bodyclock Cleaner will come. He is expertly trained in the use of tools to help fix and clean a person's inner clock

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DAY 15: CYBORG SEACROSSER. Many say that the Big Airlines industry is legit, however, there is a secret Big Airlines doesn't want you knowing about. Seacrossers are the quickest way to cross the ocean, so they fool passengers into thinking they're on a plane so no one else knows.

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DAY 14: TRAVELLING NOSE SHOP. Rosco Whiffsalot is a nose expert who travels the world's most dangerous locations to sell noses to those who have lost their own in the horrors of the land. The entity he rides around in is his best friend, Standslo, and can traverse any landscape.

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DAY 12: FISHER FISH'S GHOST. Is he half fish? or is he half man? Know one knows, as he is the combined soul of every human fisher and every fish that has eaten a human ever known. If you are grabbed by him at the bottom of the ocean, you will be dragged away to somewhere dark...

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DAY 11: STANCH GURIDIAN. Stanch Guridian is an ancient spirit bound to an old temple, put there with the sole duty of making sure no one figures out King Tutt's wifi password, he will be pissed if someone does. Stanch's favorite way of removing intruders is giving them swirlies.

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