

(he/him) A schmuck from space who wants to make video games. Currently developing THE KEY ON SCHMUCK MOUNTAIN. Also created... A buncha other bullshit!!!!!

フォロー数:469 フォロワー数:238

DAY 22: NAZAL CAPTIVITY. The Nazal Captivity is a rare parasite that starts off as a small, nose-shaped, bump on your leg, until it eventually grows into something much worse, even giving you a virus that replaces all your limbs with extra noses. The nose can grow up to 200000ft.

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DAY 21: PLANET WACKYMIN. Planet Wackymin is a strange case. He is a person with a bizarre, sentient planet with a couple of orbiters to boot. All of the living face countries on Wackymin also all contain minuscule creatures and cultures. hitting this man would kill millions

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DAY 20: SMARTICUS COMMUNICLUS. Ol' Communiclus over here is an alien invader known for his incredibly large intelligence and weird metal pants! He uses the big metal hat that's drilled into his brain to send a constant stream of info to that little spaceship next to him.

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DAY 19: BRANDON AND THE BACK BURSTER. Brandon was once abducted by aliens who stuffed some weird things into his back, The Back Burster being one of them. Brandon, despite losing some blood and a rib, seems to be more annoyed than suffering from these bizarre circumstances.

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DAY 18: PATCHWORK PROWLER. This was once a normal fella like you or me, but most of its body got burned off and didn't have the money to pay the medical fees. So then it decided to frantically steal patches of people's skin and patch together whatever it could find and make due.

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I do NOT wanna know what's on this tape.

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DAY 17: HELICOPTINSKI. Helicoptinski is a flying creature with nearly fish-like fins and a large propeller on its head. It often flies high into the sky in groups, and discusses the times and hit tunes with its Helicoptinski brethren. They often like to scare plane passengers.

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DAY 16: COUNT DOWN. Count Down is a vampire who has a manic obsession with clocks, watches, and any kind of time-based alarm or tell of time. He often sucks people's blood not with the intent of gaining sustenance, but just to steal their sweet little watches and other doodads.

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DAY 15: ORB MASTER. Orb Master is the master of all orbs, he knows more about orbs and how to use them more than anyone else. If you claim else wise you'll be turned into a bullfrog. He takes all his magic powers from whatever orb he feels like putting on his misshapen head.

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DAY 14: DENNIS "WORM" ESQUIRE. Ever since Dennis was a bouncing baby worm, he wanted one thing and one thing only, CONQUEST! Dennis managed to scrape together a futuristic war suit from his long ambitions of taking over the world. His energy arms taste like lemon cream soda.

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