

(he/him) A schmuck from space who wants to make video games. Currently developing THE KEY ON SCHMUCK MOUNTAIN. Also created... A buncha other bullshit!!!!!

フォロー数:469 フォロワー数:238

DAY 13: THE DISGUISE HIVE. The disguise hive is a lumbering, carnivorous creature of mysterious origin. It grows many sentient, unassuming lumps that act like normal everyday people, luring people in for the hive to consume the flesh of. The hive's limbs feel like iron rods.

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DAY 12: PARASITE BENNY AND OGRE HOST. Parasite Benny was a homunculus created by Re-AL Good Labs, that can drill a hole into people and sorta half-mind control them, while still leaving the host conscious. The creature has escaped the lab and is off on a spree of crimes & piss.

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DAY 11: NIGHTLY FRIDGE RAIDER. The Nightly Fridge Raider is a creature that often hides behind the shadowy space between the fridge and the wall, often stealing one item it finds desirable every night. If caught in the act it will focus more on the food until it gets threatened.

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DAY 10: TURTLE BACK KINGDOM. The species of Cuboid Turtles are quite the endangered bunch, this gave a sauve (plural) of Monarchy Snails even more of an excuse to turn the poor thing into their own walking kingdom. They have constructed a whole town around the thing's flesh!

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DAY 9: HANDLOR THE OCEAN KING. Handlor is the king of the ocean kingdom known as "Fingler Fi." He is often considered a tall tale among sailors and pirates for being the end of many boats by turning into a giant slamming fist of demise! Some say that his tail fins taste weird.

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DAY 8: MOLTEN RIDIN' PUNK. The Molten Ridin' Punks are a clan of radical, lava based volcano boys who like to spend their free time sliding across strips of molten lava. Many of them use how big their smog is and how long they slide to decide the group's pecking order. Radical!

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DAY 7: BO BUCKENSUR SOR BUCKENSURSON. He has many rambling thoughts about the economy and politics, but really nobody has any desire at all to hear them so he is eternally avoided for being a generally unpleasant guy. Everyone's least favorite.

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DAY 6: TRAGEDY WORM. The Tragedy Worm is known all across the globe for its horrendously upset looking face and unfortunate physical form. It starts off in its larval form as just a pair of chapped, purple lips and lives off of sucking the blood from creature's pores. 100% Tears.

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DAY 5: THE WOBBLE CREW. From top to bottom we have, Johnson Wobble, Nip Le Blu, Bashful Benny, and Fourpo. Each form together to make the difficult to balance Wobble Crew. They try to act all high and mighty, but they really aren't intimidating at all, and will likely fall over.

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