

Peace out forever, motherfucker. (find me on other websites !)

フォロー数:462 フォロワー数:219

Stan and Morie, near the end of their long tabletop journey with the boys, with their final designs. Those 2 fellas.

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Day 24: POTTHEAD. Exactly what it sounds like. A ceramic lackey of an eldritch god that forces itself onto the skulls of the unexpecting antique collectors, forcing them to do ritualistic dances to raise the power of the overlord!... What do you mean that's not how it sounded?!

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Day 23: SATAN'S DAD. "Ooohh, I remember back in the days when Satan committed his first sin! THE first sin! My son has committed the worst sins! I have photos all about it! I remember back in the year 102 where Satan invented Wrath..." He'll go on to you about the sins for hours.

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Day 22: THE SKY'S SKIN. You ever go on a long plane ride, it's real late at night, and you just see a house move past your window, while everyone is asleep so you have no one to talk about to? You must've thought you were seeing things. Your flight won't last much longer, soon.

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Day 21: TUNNEL MASTER. The Tunnel Master is a foe that can only be seen from the side, as seeing it from the front would kill you instantly. People often drive by it in dark tunnels, not really knowing what they saw. Most people want to fight it as this is a very malicious being.

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Day 20: SHELFT. This guy has a shelf for a head! He often roams the land looking for dirty bottles to use it's tongue to lick the bottles clean. The more bottles that are put in it's head, the more powerful it will grow. Doctors are working on a math equation to gauge it's power.

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Day 19: NIGHTMARE IN A CAN. Concealed within a cursed tin can, an ever growing, ever forming nightmare beast froths with rage! Once freed, it often hides in it's tin shell and waits. Waits until someone comes along. Would be a real shame if that person's worst fear popped up huh?

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Day 18: T4NK-RRD. Oil containment robot model T4NK-RRD was built for a toxic, uninhabitable environment that biological beings couldn't retrieve oil from. These floating spheres do the job fine enough, although, the main sphere can get a little loopy if it's chugged enough oil.

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Day 17: ZEPHYR RIDER LESLIE. Leslie is a witch who has learned how to summon beasts she calls "Zephyrs" out of thin-air! She often uses them and their quick speed as a speedy ride around town and to woo people she has her eye on. She falls off of them very, very often.

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Day 16: GOD BAB. A horrible experiment gone wrong! A single baby hooked up to machines that sped up and strengthened his psychic prowess. Now, no one can stop the God Bab!... unless you cover your face and act like you're hiding, this confuses him greatly.

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